The Tale of Two MSPs

On a sunny day, one late afternoon, two technicians left their desks at a corporate job for the last time. These technicians were roughly the same age, both superb at their jobs.

They were trained by the same mentors, gone to the same technical training school, and knew how to deliver well.

Both were filled with dreams of independence and financial freedom by starting their businesses and taking on the world. They both went into the world of providing managed services.

Recently, these entrepreneurs ran into one another at the same technical conference after ten years. They were both still very much alike.

Both were happily married. Both had young children. Also, both, as it turned out, had started very similar businesses delivering exceptional results for happy clients.

But there was one difference.

One of these entrepreneurs made a reasonable $150,000 a year, working 60 hours a week, took a vacation five years ago and was nervous about the future.

He had created for himself a job and one that lacked security.

The other had just sold her business for $100 million, had just taken the kids on a trip through China and was looking for her next adventure.

She had built a thriving business that gave her access to what she wanted.

Why do some succeed and others struggle?

The short answer is tools, training, and support.

The first entrepreneur tried to do it all himself convinced that as an expert, he could do it, and he should do it. He kept doing what he did in the corporate world, just outside of the corporation.

This is the reality for most entrepreneurs.

Almost everyone has a built-in belief that because they are good at a business, they should be good at starting a business.

However, being good at business, delivering a quality product, and solving a problem in the market does not always translate into starting a business.

 In fact, it can often hold you back.

Based on our research, 90%, or more, of entrepreneurs flounder. They don’t fail; they keep pushing forward. Over time they work 63% more and earn 35% less (over ten years).

Most are stuck creating jobs for themselves, still feeling like an employee or a freelancer and not a business owner creating something that works for them.

Here is the thing: the fact that you have some experience means you have the potential to crush it. You are a step ahead of so many people out there. 

However, crushing it means learning the skills, acquiring the tools, and changing your mindset.

The second entrepreneur focused on building her business

To thrive, you must break free of the employee mindset and work on creating a growing business.

Focusing on building a business is the key to our second entrepreneur’s success, she learned the secrete to creating a scalable business rather than a job. 

The thriving entrepreneur looks at her business as a business, as a puzzle to solve and an engine to throttle.

The idea is simple. Implementing it can take some effort but learning how to start a business is the easiest part of running a thriving venture.

Look at your business as a business

The first step, therefore, is to look at your business as a business. Take a break from delivery and think about what you are creating.

  • What is your vision?

  • What do you want to create?

  • What is thriving for you?

Define these, be bold in doing so, and work on a plan to achieve this vision, not just deliver your next project. Build a business, not a job.

RedSapiens exists for you

RedSapiens is made by MSP entrepreneurs - for MSP entrepreneurs. We take the best tools and knowledge and expertise and package that up for our members.

We provide support and community, networking, and the opportunity to learn, support others, and help others.

We transform managers and experts into great entrepreneurs and CEOs.

Working with us, you achieve your million-dollar target and plan for your next million, for your sale, for the opportunities that YOU want.

We help entrepreneurs thrive.

Are you Ready to Thrive?

Click here to check out our post on mindset, the next step on the journey.